Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Mazzy Star- Good looking girls with cigarettes

This was in high school, and probably about the time when I started smoking cigarettes. I wasn't quite 16 yet so I couldn't drive myself to school, and I was getting tired of riding the bus. One day I was fed up so I deicided to walk through the senoir parking lot to try to bum a ride. My brother had already graduated so I couldn't depend on him.
I asked several people but they said No or their ride was full. HOwever, she was there with her beat up toyota.
She hesitated at first. She was probably the best looking girl in school so guys were always around her. I noticed her in a crowd before and she was usually quiet.
She hesitated because I was an under classman, and I wasn't in her group of friends.
She said yes eventaully.
She had a cassete tape player and we listened to Mazzy Star. She also had a pack of Malboro Lights. We smoked, and I checked out her legs and her lips as she took a drag from her cigarette.
It got to the point where she always took me home. In fact, it got to the point that I was only showing up to school to go home with her.
We would get in her car, and she would ask what do you want to listen to? I would always answer, "Mazzy Star."
In school, a dance was coming up. I don't know if it was Homecoming or Prom. I had gone home with her enough that outside the crowd she considered me a firend. I think that was the case.
One day she was taking me home, and she almost asked. It was on the tip of her lips besides that cigarette but she hesitated and never finished the question that I wanted to desparatly to say yes to.
She ended up going with some idiot she could have fun with. Meanwhile I was to scared, I couldn't buy Mazzy Star, because I didn't want to be a woose infront of my friends. At 16 I started driving and buying my own packs of cigarettes.
Now it is my tenth day without a cigarette and I can't help but have this theory. Boys start smoking because of good looking girls. Just another reason to blame women. 

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