Sunday, June 17, 2012

Response to sermon

It is amazing what you one's thought was important isn't as important anymore. It is also amazing that sometimes I hear a sermon, message, or news story and that makes all the difference. Last weeks sermon talked about how your faith or belief in God can end badly.  afew thoughts popped into my mind when I heard this: one was my mental illness. Was that the world kicking my butt? Is it weakness? Was God punishing me? I am now disabled but yet with God on my side I feel stronger even compared to my prime. I thought my prime was after high school and in my early twenties, when I was naive and reckless. I can't say that I believe that now. After hearing the sermon of last week things are up. I look back at my struggle and see it as just a fly buzzing in my face. I follow God and just when I thought my faith had plateau, I heard this message and feel rejuvenated.
The sermon talked about the "craziness" when JOhn the Baptist got decapetated. JUst when you thought the bible was simpler times you hear this message and realize the world will always be messed up.
Certain things at this moment do not matter to me. I have often talked about the media on this blog. I often thought about chirsitan right wing nut jobs who have probably turned alot of people who I care about away from God. I often do my best to understand science. I think we can't answer every question out there or even understand why things are the way that they are. Right now, at this moment, I value my relationship with Jesus, and based on what he has done in my life bringing me from homelessness to a comfy one bedroom apartment I know he is there. I am not rich, I am not famous, and my writing is seen by very few people. I couldn't be happier. I wasn't like this in my so called prime.

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