Thursday, June 28, 2012

Witnessing History

Maybe you find it annoying that I try to look on both sides, but here I go again.
Monday night I was drinking at a neighborhood bar with some firends and neighbors. After awhile some started to leave and since they were sitting in the middle I decided to scoot down. I met a vet. A vet who had been to war. He told me he was blown up several times. He even said he had a knee replacement. This vet had a smile on his face and he was living with post traumatic stress. I hope I see him again.
The reason I brought him up was because of his two tattoos on the inside of his arms. The tattoos said, "Life is a gift, not a right." Can you argue with him?
Now the health care law was upheld to day. I heard it of facebook and then I turned on NPR. The next couple of months will be a fight.
I honestly was looking for passion from the republican side. Maybe Mitt Romney banging on the podium inspiring his supporters. I am not inspired by Romney.
I don't care that he was born with a silver spoon up his ass. I don't care that I will never be as well off as him.
I ran out of fingers at the amount of times he mispoke during the republican primaries. Some of you are saying Obama mispoke (what was it two weeks ago) about the private sector.
They both need to meet the vet. Yes during there campiagn they've met people with different needs and different insights. THey've met Americans who in the darkness of the economy. Still Romeny will outsource jobs and we will hear more news about Obama spending tax payers money on eviromental business they fail in no time at all.
One thing we can agree on is how all politicans are pampered and the ridiculous benefits they receive. Here we are in debt meanwhile everyone in congress are spoiled. And if there is a revolution, peaceful of course, corporations will do there best to cash in.
What can we do as Americans for our country? Redispute the power of government? I can probably go on but the main question is how. HOW can we better our lives?  I personally am very blessed but for others scapping by what can we do?

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