Sunday, June 3, 2012

Spirituality Freewrite

Personally I think we all have some cert of mental defect. It is just rather or not you have to take medication for it. Things will be okay, but for the most part I think we need help from time to time. HOw many times have you met someone who seems like nothing is working for them?
I posted an article pretty much saying that we are predisposed to being spiritual. My question is who put it there?
I personally believe in God and I've seen the change. JUst because you ask Jesus in doesn't mean everything will be okay. LIfe happens.
I am at a point in my life where I want answers. As I was growing up in Roanoke, my firends were succeeding. THey were working and getting good grades in school. I on the other hand was getting fired and passing classes with maybe C's or maybe dropping the class. But my firends were there at the time.
I have just recently taken then psycological test about personality disorders. Had taken the test then I am sure it would have had different results. I haven't turned in the test yet.
I heard the sermon from last week from my church. It talked about sin. Specifically the crazy guy in shakles who was possed by demons. I am sure you know how the story goes.
THe speaker mentioned how sin can make you go down a labrinyth of depression loneliness and what not. Some of you have been there, and some of you are going through that now. The speaker also said it okay to ask for help rather is praying or seeking counseling. All of this can be a pritvate matter. OBviously, I have close friends on hear and you have read my rants and raves.
I get a level and clear head on days like this because of ther sermon, listening to K-love, and reading the bible.
You will be satisfied just ask for help.

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