Sunday, July 31, 2011

without a muse

A poet without a muse
send broken limbs to lions
covered by the blues of the sky
a past life given up the ghost
old habit stain his teeth
the carnage remaining
leaves him longing
only thing left
is the hole of the foundation
his words leave scars
and the voices insult
and sometimes compliment
the poet in his steady current
of productive anti-social behavior
the press will dispute what is written
yet the poet still write marathons
to be discovered

Give Al Queda a punching bag and gloves

When I was a kid, I would go to punk shows, and I would get into the pit. In the pit, I would get bruises, scratches, or maybe even a black eye. After the punk show I would wear my sores like a badge of glory. I don't do that anymore.
When I joined the army, I still had that kind of mantality. I was gungho. I wanted to be a hero, and I wanted to get Bin Laden all on my own. It wasn't God's plan. My army experience was kind of tragic.
When I got out of the army, I was bitter and enraged. With the help of God and just time those feelings floated on. However, rage and agression still visit me. Working out helps or a night out with dad.
My favorite workout is punching a bag. I feel that if more people punched a bag the warring would be at a minumum.
Maybe not everyone has this cert of rage and agression, but punching a bag is also a good stress reliever. It clears your head. I personally am not doing it to one day kick someone's butt. I am doing it for me. That is what all workouts should be about.
Even though I like punching a bag doesn't mean I am still gungho. Right now I hate guns and war.
I was on a website one, there was a comment that read Rich man's war, poor man's blood.
Some of the soldiers in America's side are poor. The military might be the only way for them to step it up, and to be secure. Then I think of Al queda. Bin Laden was a rich kid, but I figure alot of his followers are probably poor. Why is that? Why does the poor seem to be more patriotic, and closer to God? God even says the poor man is more likely to get into heaven then thr rich man.
The poor, living without the excess, content in ramen noodles and cheap beer, Occassionall spoiling themselves with pizza hut or taco bell, saving every penny for a new-used car, going to church, and serving their country.
A punching bag and gloves are deserved for not only the poor but all who stress over wars overseas, a bad economy, different forms of extremeism. There are alot of stressors out there. I reckomend a punching bag and gloves.

Royal Family (the royal wedding) vs. the NFL

The NFL have several charitable donations. The Royals have humane efforts throughout the world. Neither one of them pay your rent, however, they either charge you for a ticket, merchandise, or tax you. They are in countries where the economy is bad, and yet they have no say in the outcome, even if their respective countries default. The Royals are just for show. NFL players are like race horses, once they are used up they are used no more.
Final questions and points: What is England trying to hold on to?
The players in the NFL, make more in a year then you will have when you retire.
I was at an off track betting place, betting on the horses. Behind there was an in depth talk on the NFL, and beer was flowing. I was annoyed. Some guys used the world "we" like they were apart of the team they root for. In reality that teams owner doesn't give a damn just as long as they buy something or watch the team on tv. One of the guys liked the Cleveland Browns. I don''t know what to say about that.
Most guys like proffessional sports or just about anything you can drink beer to. I've notice women like to plan weddings, even if they already had one.
I am sure you've heard or seen articles saying, "Plan you dream wedding." It would probably be close to the royal wedding, a "fairy tale" wedding.
Both genders can spend hours on the subject of interest. Maybe even longer if there is an alcholic beverage or two or three or four etc.
Now the flaws in this essay: Not all guys like professional sports. During the super bowl my brother never even turned on the TV. I figure for these guys like my brother, "the force" is their families. As far as women and weddings go, I have never met a women who didn't want to plan a wedding.
In conclusion: Remember family and don't obscess.

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Hey, have you ever wondered what it would be like not to have a closing time?
My baby has to dance
her hips have to be magnetic
she can come around anytime
I would even give her the key
with the option of waiting
in the cool summer rain
she would wear short dresses
and tight jeans
she would call me baby
and I would call her the same
she would be the booze
and I would be her white wine
our hearts would race like nicotene
her soft whispers would be novacane
we would get our third wind at midnight
and dance untill we sleep
chests touching standing up
to tired to turn the lights off
somehow I would manage
Our days would begin at sunset
when the sun is a big tangerine in the sky
as the crowd threatens lightening
we would be the thunder's bass drum

I danced with a black girl

The spotlight was fixed on us
down with the swirl
like Robert De Niro
she was twirled around and around
and sometime we danced palms facing palms
when her hand wasn't over my heart
The DJ said, "Go ahead dude."
as we spinned joining hands
in a place like this
where there is the ass to cotch lingo
these are not old fashioned times
People even stopped to watch
While I could feel her breathing on my neck
the swet shared and dripped
and our hips swung
didn't expect to dance with a black girl

Thursday, July 28, 2011

jumping to conclusions

I have what most doctors call a debiltating illness. Just recently I was at a doctors appointment, and my doctor made a connestion.
She said, I take things from reality and skip a couple places to make a conclusion. For example, while going to this appointment, I saw two unmark cars. These were not your typical police cars. Dad and I figured they were a higher governmental agency. They definitly knew how to drive.
I was watching and thought, I hope they don't arrrest me then I couldn't make my appointment. I then had a vision of being arrested, a vision similar to how cartoons are nowadays.
That example may have been extreme, but I figure AMericans do that. Espeically Americans who try to find the truth in politics. The only way for them to find the truth are these news shows that are there for business and not to serve the public.
Some of you are saying Fox News, and some of you are saying MSNBC. They are both guilty of taking advantage of stupidity. They have to say extreme things if they don't you would change the channel. They want you scared, and on the edge of your seat.
Do you understand how you personally or maybe someone you know jump to conclusions, and how the media fans the flame of extremism?
What can we do? Question yourselves. Question everything.
The reason why some broadcast apeal to the left or apeal to the right is because unlike some countries out there Americans have choices. SOme take advantage, but you also have a right to question.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Amy Winehouse- Frank

The sticker on this album said that this album was just recently released in The U.S. It was released in Londan first, and it was winehouse's debut album. I looked at the copyright and it said 2003. You want to know where I was in 2003, I was on a greyhound bus going to Fort Knox Kentucky to start my training as an army soldier. That is my excuse for not knowing anything.
So anything I hope this album will inspire more acts of the jazz, motown,bluesy persuasion. I wish these artist would infiltrate the top 40 pop charts and weed out the crap. What does this mean? I was born to late. I love jazz and it reasssuring to hear it with a little of today's language sprinkled in it.
The late winehouse had the soul, and this album was before the beehive hairdoo and tatts. The picture in the album of the late singer makes her look like the girl next door.
I personaly think you should listen to this album not by singles but the whole album. It tells a story. It is good for background music or shower listening. Cool and smooth

TV on the radio - Nine types of Light

Didn't like it as much as Return to Cookie Mountain. In this case I don't usually blame the band. I blame the business or the records company. Although, There is alot of things going on in some of their songs on Nine types of light. Especially with Forgotten, the ninth song.
If anything this album sounds like Seal if he was on heroin. You are probably thinking to yourself,"Jason you shouldn't be joking about heroin," but I for some reason hear some similarites to Seal and this Album. I can't put my finger on it.
In conclusion, If you are not so sure you will like TV on the radio then buy Return to Cookie MOuntain. If you are already a huge fan buy this album. The more you listen the more you will like it. Having said that Tv on the Radio albums take some time of getting use to but all in all you will like them.

Lake Norman. North Carolina

The sights of Lake Norman never leave your brain. The brown water decorates your thoughts. The river was brown because the water was so clear you could see the thick mud at the bottom. There was usually beer in the fridge in the garage, and that was where I had my first taste when I was about 5.
I usually had my life vest on, hoping I would be able to splash my brother this time down. We drank coke cola. After swimming, I would get my fishing rod and try to catch blue gills off the dock.
After tanning, mom and my aunt would probably go for margrittas.
There was a canoe I could swim to and with the canoe I would go to the island which was in clear view of my aunt's dock.
If the adults got to drunk, my brother and me would be ask to go inside to watch tv.
It was a cool paradise of broken hearts and a grin from ear to ear vacation.

The Captain is getting married

Growing up with the captain, I thnk he had more realtionships with the opposite sex then I did. I am not going to reflect on the names or different experiences that he had with the opposite sex which was in our late teens and early twenties. However, one thing that he said after a hard break up, has stuck with me. He said, "How come I can't be held?"
I think at the time I laughed. I figured at the time men reach a certain age and they are the one's that are suppose to hold on to whatever they have. Now it makes more since in kind of the more mature 30's.
Captain, I am sure has found someone to hold him,and listen to him. That was our relationship, but the opposite sex offers so much more then your standard bro-mance.
Anyway... Congratulations!! I wish you both happiness and passion for the rest of your lives.

Monday, July 25, 2011

There was no chaplain (free write)

Tears fell in the empty chapel, but only a sprinkle. Blues was played by a man's six string. He says he like the acoustics in the empty chapel. There was no chaplain, and there was only a single prayer- a prayer for help.
Sress strays like sheep untill they need help from the shepherd. The wolves howl in the distance.
The vacant chapel speaks. I listen for direction.
Are we always alone?
Obscurity brings a fire to life not yet a wild fire but a little burning inside that gives aid to those days when you can't get up. Vets are inflamed. There eyes stare down a thousand yards, and they are still going.
There are worse cases.
Yet there are a few grins or a friendly conversation about the weather and air conditioning.
The flame can only build naturally. However, some throw booze and other addictions on it. The next day the flame has to start over again.
When built naturally the eyes are ,"The mirror to the soul"
I eventually left the empty chapel forgetting my free book of devotions.

Friday, July 22, 2011

TV on the Radio- Return to Cookie Mountain

The first song of the album that played in my cd player made me think that the disk was skipping. It made me mad. What exactly did I buy? I decided to go out that night, and I bought the cd with me. I thought I was going to wreck my 97 camry. That would have been brutal. I was glued to the music not my driving. I had never heard anything like this before.
Since then I have listened to it several times and showered to it. The fifth song entitled wolf like me made me want to dance. I was actually dancing in the shower and while shaving. The shaving part is proabbly dangerous but I didn't cut myself. I am listening to them now and think more people should listen to them. Just when you think the music industry has breathed its last breathe someone finds TV on the Radio and you find hope. What else is out there? I'm asking cause I don't know so if you know of any good bands out there that have just come out or are considered new by today standards post a comment. I will definitly buy another album by these guys.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

When We Were Young

Read the review at D.C. spotlight. Under Books to Know Top 10 list -July 2011
Scroll down to When We Were Young by Jason Jepson and the review. Also check out who else made the list

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The beast and his daughter

A princess was bored looking out of her window when she noticed a horrid ugly face looking out of another window of her castle. She thought she knew everyone but she was certain she had never seen that face before.
She called her servant in to look at this ugly face.
"It is just a beast. I am sure he lives a meager existance."
"Maybe," said the princess,"but I have to find out for my self."
The servant did her best to get the princess to listen.
"I advice you not to go there, your highness."
The princess slightly nudged the servant out of her way as she left her quarters. The servant followed shaking her head.
The two women went down and up stairs, they went down long narrow hallways, down slides, and up ladders. Finally they were there.
The two notice the beast was in a cage. The beast looked up with his ugly face.
"Good evening, your highness."
The princess was shocked at the respectful behavior from a horrid beast.
The princess looked closer. She noticed his eyes, and then she turned around a noticed her servant's eyes. They were the same.
"You eyes," she said, "Your eyes are the same. It is almost as if..."
"Your servant is my daughter." The beast answered.
"What?" The princess inquired.
"A long time ago a wizard needed my help to paint his house. He said if I did it he would grant me one wish. I asked him why couldn't he paint his house with his powers. That must have made him mad and that anger festered inside of him."
The servant started to cry a little.
"I painted the wizard's house," the beast went on to say," He inspected my job and rubbed his cinical chin with hateful eyes. I thought maybe he wasn't a very good wizard."
"What was your wish?" The princess asked.
"I wanted my daughter to live in the castle seen by all.I remeber the wizard laughing as he turned me into the horrid thing.I wanted her to be royalty, but My daughter is your servant."
"You daughter is my most trusted firend." The princess told the beast.
"Really?" The beast asked.
"She sleeps in lavish beds, eats from the royal buffet, and provides friendship."
"But she doesn't have her own kingdom." The beast said starting to feel like a failure as a dad.
"Royalty isn't all it is cracked up to be." The princess concluded.
The three smiled. The beast was never left alone in the cage again.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

freewrite after listening to Mos Def

hear me ticking and tocking, as the seconds sweeps through, confused, stripped of my hands when you need my help the most, and yet feel like I love you more then I ever loved a person. two far away too far away. know for awhile money can't solve everything, blood is thicker then water, but blood runneth over the cup when pushed to hard. I would cut you free, I would open the cage door, and stand as an imperfect man to your perfect fugazi untill we can embrace at the right time when time stops and we are the moving hands on the clock ticking slowly to the rest of our lives. But I guess the time spent together would move faster like hurricane winds only to change to just a breeze when we part again.

Friday, July 15, 2011

been written about before and yet we can't get enough

Addictions have been written
time and time again
Hollywood glamorized the feeling
after being mesmerized by something or someone like you
take another drag again
you’re not prescribed
or given under the table
but you’re mine
I’ll overdose on you
have you heard it before?
I’m addicted to your voice
even when we don’t connect
but think I will take you
alone again
take a drag again
speak gently to me
and I will hold you close like the bottle
or like a boat on water
you are a surfer’s wave
a guitar player’s song
pen to paper better then texting wrongs
so speak to me again
and I will hold you like a
smoker’s last cigarette

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How I got into Modest Mouse

I find that when I ask people if they like MOdest mOUse they would either say No or they just kind of shrugged their shoulders. I can relate back in the day Modest MOuse wasn't "hardcore" enough.
I was living off of Main street on staford in Richmond Va. I was a preschool teachers aid, and I had enough money to pay rent and buy the cheapest cigarettes on the market. I loved music, and had to listen to it. However, couldn't buy any new music.
I had a roomate at this duplex on staford. She let her sister stay with us rent free. Her sister was going out with this guy who she randomly met working at the nearby expensive coffee shop. I never understood how she could afford coffee there.
They dated awhile when he decided to give her a cd of his favorite modest mouse songs. Modest MOuse was on an independent lable. I don't know which one.
She never really listened to it which kind of made me wonder. Do women listen to music given to them by their fellas. I had given several mix tapes out to girls. Do they disregard them?
Anyway...I listened to it, and didn't like it. I listened to it again, because I was tired of my own music. Suddenly something inside was inline with something said in one of the songs. "I am doing the best that I can..." Wow. That was all it takes
I fell in love with them again when I was stationed out in Fort Irwin out in the mojave desert. This time I had money to buy music, but the post exchange had a poor selection. I went there often to cruize the titles, because I missed home. Then I found it, MOdest MOuse, on a major lable. You might recall the album it had Float on and the good times are killing me. I am sure the band had their own meaning to the songs. I am not 100% sure that I am right when I say float on captured the fact I had experience hazing and the pain in my feet from running miles. I saw it as moving on and moving forward.
Then there is the good times are killing me. This one was alittle bit more obvious especially to a drunk like I was. THINK chain smoking hangover having to run 6 miles with foot pain that gave you inflamation that went all the way up to your lower back. On the plus side once you get those endorphins going you feel high.
So I guess I was pretty much forced into liking Modest Mouse and yes I do still like them.

Rave On- Buddy Holly

Now just about everyone and their cousin has reviewed this cd. I think the insane part of the population should have a voice represented. The cd starts off with the group The black keys. This is a band I have been meaning to check out (maybe I should make a list). It is soulful, and you can dance to it if your main squeeze dances.
Paul McCartney has a role in this album. He sings It's so easy. It's so easyfor what you ask to fall in love of course. There are a few times in this song when Sir M talks like a drunk blue singer. Honestly it gets annoying. If you have pets in might scare them. BUt then you remember this guy was in the beatles so it good to see that he is having fun.
Florence and the machine plays Not Fade Away. I usually don't like white female vocalist but black jazzy vocalist. Ole Florence is the exception. I would be to scared to tell her that. They make the song their own.
Finally there is Cee Lo. If R and B could see Mr. Green's insights in his music, the world would be a better place.
There are more singers, groups and bands on this album. Lou Reed makes an appearance, as well as MOdest MOuse. The whole album is great. Hopefully it will educated future generations about Mr. Holly. Persoanlly I think Buddy Holly is smiling down at this great recording.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

When We Were Young by Jason Jepson

Check out WWWY at android market. Make sure you click on books, but you probably already know that.


I have been listening to the Clash's album Londan Calling in my car. Great album. I guess depending on what social circle you are in the lyrics still apply today. One line speaks volumes to me, "It is the best years of your life they want to steel." I love that line.
Now I guess I have high standards I am not meeeting, not to mention I think I could have done much better in my youth. Then there is the college educated who probably couldn't handle some of the situations I've been in. Then again would they be or put themselves in that situation in the first place. The debate between academia and real world experence is nothing new. I've met people who partied in their twenties and their thirties only to go back to college in their late thirties and forties. Personally it took me 6 years of starting over and dropping out to get a two year degree from community college.
I guess I will never win this debate for myself but I think in the grand sceme of things I didn't grow up to fast and maturity was discreeted out with every beer piss.
All I know is I am happy now.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

When We Were Young

Read the review of When We Were Young on . Type in When We Were Young for a search.

Monday, July 4, 2011


Drank wine from South Africa, and smoked drugstore cigars. Laughed at all the plans ruined by the rain and thunder. We waited till the last minute for ours. The lightening was our fireworks. Rain might have blown in on the front porch getting our flip flop feet wet but we remained outside. Held our cell phones close to hear from the girls. While listening to solid gold oldies asking the question, "Will you still love me tomorrow." I didn't share the stories in my head that were inspired by that song. July fourth and we've felt like this before. The storm exhaled the bitterness of the last cigar as I drove home with the wipers clearing off the horizon.Independence day and the thunder was the big boom.