Wednesday, July 27, 2011

TV on the radio - Nine types of Light

Didn't like it as much as Return to Cookie Mountain. In this case I don't usually blame the band. I blame the business or the records company. Although, There is alot of things going on in some of their songs on Nine types of light. Especially with Forgotten, the ninth song.
If anything this album sounds like Seal if he was on heroin. You are probably thinking to yourself,"Jason you shouldn't be joking about heroin," but I for some reason hear some similarites to Seal and this Album. I can't put my finger on it.
In conclusion, If you are not so sure you will like TV on the radio then buy Return to Cookie MOuntain. If you are already a huge fan buy this album. The more you listen the more you will like it. Having said that Tv on the Radio albums take some time of getting use to but all in all you will like them.

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