Thursday, July 28, 2011

jumping to conclusions

I have what most doctors call a debiltating illness. Just recently I was at a doctors appointment, and my doctor made a connestion.
She said, I take things from reality and skip a couple places to make a conclusion. For example, while going to this appointment, I saw two unmark cars. These were not your typical police cars. Dad and I figured they were a higher governmental agency. They definitly knew how to drive.
I was watching and thought, I hope they don't arrrest me then I couldn't make my appointment. I then had a vision of being arrested, a vision similar to how cartoons are nowadays.
That example may have been extreme, but I figure AMericans do that. Espeically Americans who try to find the truth in politics. The only way for them to find the truth are these news shows that are there for business and not to serve the public.
Some of you are saying Fox News, and some of you are saying MSNBC. They are both guilty of taking advantage of stupidity. They have to say extreme things if they don't you would change the channel. They want you scared, and on the edge of your seat.
Do you understand how you personally or maybe someone you know jump to conclusions, and how the media fans the flame of extremism?
What can we do? Question yourselves. Question everything.
The reason why some broadcast apeal to the left or apeal to the right is because unlike some countries out there Americans have choices. SOme take advantage, but you also have a right to question.

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