Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The beast and his daughter

A princess was bored looking out of her window when she noticed a horrid ugly face looking out of another window of her castle. She thought she knew everyone but she was certain she had never seen that face before.
She called her servant in to look at this ugly face.
"It is just a beast. I am sure he lives a meager existance."
"Maybe," said the princess,"but I have to find out for my self."
The servant did her best to get the princess to listen.
"I advice you not to go there, your highness."
The princess slightly nudged the servant out of her way as she left her quarters. The servant followed shaking her head.
The two women went down and up stairs, they went down long narrow hallways, down slides, and up ladders. Finally they were there.
The two notice the beast was in a cage. The beast looked up with his ugly face.
"Good evening, your highness."
The princess was shocked at the respectful behavior from a horrid beast.
The princess looked closer. She noticed his eyes, and then she turned around a noticed her servant's eyes. They were the same.
"You eyes," she said, "Your eyes are the same. It is almost as if..."
"Your servant is my daughter." The beast answered.
"What?" The princess inquired.
"A long time ago a wizard needed my help to paint his house. He said if I did it he would grant me one wish. I asked him why couldn't he paint his house with his powers. That must have made him mad and that anger festered inside of him."
The servant started to cry a little.
"I painted the wizard's house," the beast went on to say," He inspected my job and rubbed his cinical chin with hateful eyes. I thought maybe he wasn't a very good wizard."
"What was your wish?" The princess asked.
"I wanted my daughter to live in the castle seen by all.I remeber the wizard laughing as he turned me into the horrid thing.I wanted her to be royalty, but My daughter is your servant."
"You daughter is my most trusted firend." The princess told the beast.
"Really?" The beast asked.
"She sleeps in lavish beds, eats from the royal buffet, and provides friendship."
"But she doesn't have her own kingdom." The beast said starting to feel like a failure as a dad.
"Royalty isn't all it is cracked up to be." The princess concluded.
The three smiled. The beast was never left alone in the cage again.

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