Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Rave On- Buddy Holly

Now just about everyone and their cousin has reviewed this cd. I think the insane part of the population should have a voice represented. The cd starts off with the group The black keys. This is a band I have been meaning to check out (maybe I should make a list). It is soulful, and you can dance to it if your main squeeze dances.
Paul McCartney has a role in this album. He sings It's so easy. It's so easyfor what you ask to fall in love of course. There are a few times in this song when Sir M talks like a drunk blue singer. Honestly it gets annoying. If you have pets in might scare them. BUt then you remember this guy was in the beatles so it good to see that he is having fun.
Florence and the machine plays Not Fade Away. I usually don't like white female vocalist but black jazzy vocalist. Ole Florence is the exception. I would be to scared to tell her that. They make the song their own.
Finally there is Cee Lo. If R and B could see Mr. Green's insights in his music, the world would be a better place.
There are more singers, groups and bands on this album. Lou Reed makes an appearance, as well as MOdest MOuse. The whole album is great. Hopefully it will educated future generations about Mr. Holly. Persoanlly I think Buddy Holly is smiling down at this great recording.

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