Sunday, July 31, 2011

Give Al Queda a punching bag and gloves

When I was a kid, I would go to punk shows, and I would get into the pit. In the pit, I would get bruises, scratches, or maybe even a black eye. After the punk show I would wear my sores like a badge of glory. I don't do that anymore.
When I joined the army, I still had that kind of mantality. I was gungho. I wanted to be a hero, and I wanted to get Bin Laden all on my own. It wasn't God's plan. My army experience was kind of tragic.
When I got out of the army, I was bitter and enraged. With the help of God and just time those feelings floated on. However, rage and agression still visit me. Working out helps or a night out with dad.
My favorite workout is punching a bag. I feel that if more people punched a bag the warring would be at a minumum.
Maybe not everyone has this cert of rage and agression, but punching a bag is also a good stress reliever. It clears your head. I personally am not doing it to one day kick someone's butt. I am doing it for me. That is what all workouts should be about.
Even though I like punching a bag doesn't mean I am still gungho. Right now I hate guns and war.
I was on a website one, there was a comment that read Rich man's war, poor man's blood.
Some of the soldiers in America's side are poor. The military might be the only way for them to step it up, and to be secure. Then I think of Al queda. Bin Laden was a rich kid, but I figure alot of his followers are probably poor. Why is that? Why does the poor seem to be more patriotic, and closer to God? God even says the poor man is more likely to get into heaven then thr rich man.
The poor, living without the excess, content in ramen noodles and cheap beer, Occassionall spoiling themselves with pizza hut or taco bell, saving every penny for a new-used car, going to church, and serving their country.
A punching bag and gloves are deserved for not only the poor but all who stress over wars overseas, a bad economy, different forms of extremeism. There are alot of stressors out there. I reckomend a punching bag and gloves.

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