Sunday, August 21, 2011

Criminals potential

I just saw the last part of the movie Catch Me if You Can. Leonardo's character was captured all the way in France and then he took a plane back to the States under FBI supervision. He escaped through the laboratory through the toilet. The Fbi later captured him again. He served jail time for his crimes which he should have. Later Tom Hanks character saw potential in him. Caprios character later was employed by the FBI for check fraud. With Caprio's character's personal experience in the field he was able to put alot of people away.
Npr repoted on a hacker. Hacking was his passion. He would study enough so he could speak the lingo and then hack into places. His persuit wasn't for finacial gain so to speak but for knowledge.
I think of types of crimes not with crimes by the crimninally insane. I think that is different. A criminal goes to jail and chances are he becomes a better criminal. We should use his knowledge and give him a job using his or her knowledge of the very crime he commited.
There are exceptions. Maybe we should always ask why not just for the motive but ask what was their passion to do their crimes.
After their jail time maybe there passion could be helping people.
If you are smart, you will always be smart. There is potential there just because of a few bad decsions doesn't take that way.

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