Monday, August 29, 2011

the unfinished race

You Should always do what you love, if you can get paid for it that is ideal but chances are that isn't going to happen.
When I was sending poetry off on a regular basis, and usually getting rejected, I figured to pay the bills I should work in restarants. Working in restaurants you will either get a free meal or beer or some kind of employee discount. Sometimes art is a game of survivor. Sometimes the only optimism is that stream of consciences poem that makes your life makes since that is rejected by a magazine or publishing company. You have to have thick skin. You have to use that rejection as fuel- fuel to wake up, fuel to go to work, and fuel to believe that something is going to go your way. Sometimes art is a race without a finish line. Should you pace yourself, should you run as hard as you can or just walk? It all depends on how inspiration falls on you on any particular day.
You should never quit. For me I try to always write even if I don't post it on this blog like my profile says I have time on my hands.
If it wasn't for the army, I wouldn't be able to write as often as I do. I kind of think if you consider yourself an artist, the military isn't for you. Kerouac got kicked out of the NAvy then joined the merchant marines. I have no idea what the merchant marines do, do you? Then there is Hitler. I don't think I have to explain hitler.
In basic training, I hesitated but I did mention that I wrote poetry to another soldier. He told me the army will mess me up. MY answer to that is you can't keep a good man down.
Secondly get some kind of eduaction and if you can keep the textbooks for future reference then that is good. I still have my psycology textbook. I got a C in the class.
To recap, if you have a creative side, to pay the rent and the bills work somewhere that you can get food or other necsities for free. Don't join the military unless you think you have a tolerance for rules and excessive regulations, and an artist's job is never over.

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