Thursday, August 11, 2011

trying to apeal to both sides of the politcal spectrum, but... I am a democrat raised in the south


Romney was on the news talking about how he wasn't going to raise taxes on the people.
A democrat or several stand up and said, " What about Corporations?!"
Romney eventaully replied, "Corporations are people too."
I came to the conclusion, that the big corporations have Romney in their pocket. When he should be fighting for the man and woman making less then a half a million dollars a year.
Bachman's anit-gay therapy is nuts to me. Some of you who have read my blog know that I am christian. Don't put me into the same group of Christians who hate homosexuals.
Do you remember the golden rule? Do unto others... that is how I feel about homesexuals and other groups I don't fully understand.
Both republican canidates are intelligent. They know how to speak to people to get them on their side.
Some of you are saying Barack Obama is the same way. He is a wizard of words and speeches.
One thing we can agree on is that we point the finger at the other. Ask yourself, What are you willing to give up if not for your government but for your country?
Chances are it is going to have to be money. We are not necassrily being asked. We may be asked to contact our congressman or congress woman but what good is that doing?
Some are saying get rid of social security or get rid of medicare. I am disabled and if you want to take away some of my percentage points, be my guess.
As far as my veteran's benefits go, how about if I go off my meds for a couple of months and spend the night at Cantor's house.
No one should act like they are untouchable.

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