Sunday, August 21, 2011

Finding inspiration

Ever had one of those Blah days. Maybe you stood in the kitchen wanting something to eat but nothing sounds good but you are still hungry and uninspired. I think having a blah day is the least of our troubles with the unemployment rate and economy. Have you ever been so low that you don't know what is going to happen next or you don't know how you will get over this. You need motivation or inspiration. In the words of MIke Ness you need someone to "take away this ball and chain." (yes I just did that)
I remember growing up in a Southern Baptist Church when a popular christian band came out with a single. "Jesus freak." The band was D.C. talk. I was already being called a freak in school so I couldn't say I liked the song then.
But when that song came on during a function the "Jesus freaks" went nuts. I thought they were acting like fools as I just stood in my little corner feeling sorry for myself for whatever reason.
One of the lyrics goes," I don't even care if they call me a Jesus freak..."
I couldn't beleive it. They didn't even care that in my judgement I was calling them freaks. The spirit was written on their faces. They had issues like anyone else like in school and relationships but they were positive and smiling when they are in church while one of my sunday school teachers jokingly said how she would bring me a pillow so I would have an easier time sleeping.
As a non beleiver then I felt like I couldn't relate and I didn't like the cheerfulness. At a young age I was already cinical towards the church in general. But if my parents wouldn't have dragged me to go to church the seed of the lord wouldn't have been planted.
I f you would called me a spoiled brat then I would agree with you.
You know what I had to do? I had to hit bottom to ask fro help. I had to sleep in my used dodge pick up in a churches parking lot in other words to ask for help.
I had been trying to do it on my own for a long time and obviously it wasn't working.
I asked God for help I told him in an subservient way I was in his hands.
I stayed in that parking lot for about a week when a man told me I couldn't stay there. I personally thought that was odd being at a church and all. I left with an idea on how to get home.
I am not going to tell you what I did but since then I have asked for forgivness. It was inspired by survivor.
I got back home, and my parents welcomed me with open arms. They even game me a meal.
Then the phone rang. To sum it up I got help I had to be placed in hand cuffs. I was sitting in a hand cuffs in parent's rocking chair they have on the front porch, calm. I was tired of fighting whatever it was I was fighting. I prayed to God and if this was how it was going to be then I was all in.
I got help. I am not homeless and it had been along journey. Answered prayers sometimes don't happen over night. We must follow God as if we are blind or a child. You know that long string that children hang on to as they leave their classroom. Well, without that string God only knows where they would go.
Back to inspiration Don't hit bottom to find it. It is easy to cry out to God when you have nothing or have nothing going for you. Ask for God when you are successful when you are together and satisfied. God will smile upon you. God will be with us regardless of our economic status. Follow him and you will eventally crave his love.
I will leave it alone with this, because (judging by my stats) you don't like when I talk about Jesus. Those kids in my first church were inspired. It was as if they had that extra boost to go one. At the time I had no idea why I was different from them. You know how proffessional athletes have that extra boost that is usually steroids. Well Christian have an extra boost that will not show up in a drug test.

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