Sunday, August 28, 2011

Irene journal entry

The rain isn't even blowing in on my balcony. I wish I could be poetic about the rain, but it is nothing new. There were a few light flickers from the power. My lights are off but my stereo is on. Maybe the worse hasn't happened yet.
I am concerned about my downstairs neighbor. Whenever there it rains hard like this there is flooding on her front door step. I don't know if water goes in or not. She has a dog and I have Malcolm so that is a concern. She has a daughter so even if I go down there and knock on her door she might not be there. She might be at her daughter's place. Then there is the fact I don't want to get wet.
Yesterday they said 2 to 4 inches. Dad called and said now they are calling for six inches.
The wind has picked up, and I hear sirens. Malcolm is probably under the bed.
Shoot! I'll go. I will ask my neighbor...
Okay I did it. She didn't even open the door. I asked. She said she has to go to work, maybe she was dressing. But I offered.
I don't think it will get to bad.
Now listening to MIles Davis. The album called Round about Midnight. The storm isn't that bad. NOw there is no wind. Maybe a steady rain which is probably worse then a short hard rain.
Yesterday the weather man said 100% chance of rain today. Never saw 100% before. It is good to see they are right sometimes.
People who say jazz is boring never heard it during a storm.
I brought in my baclony furniture and this it.
If I was a beer drinker this would be a good time to drink a beer and enjoy people's company. I had a protein shake, and I have my balcony furniture.
It is now 3:15pm in the afternoon and the weather channel says the rain won't stop untill 12pm in the afternoon tomorrow. I figure there will be flooding. I think it is slowing up so maybe New Jersey and New York won't be hit has hard.
My firend's wedding is today, in Amelia. Wonder if they still had it. I called him last night. He, of course, didn't answer and I know he will not return my call. THis usually happens. I regret not going but I don't think I could hack it.
2011 has been earth shattering literary and earthquake, hurricane, and the second in command of Al-Queda dead. Crazy Week.
Night time now...
Seeing things, aperson and cursers where they're not suppose to be. Wonder if they had the wedding. The storm is just a ripple in the ocean, compared to my typcial day. I heard the voice of a friend outside my door. He was getting married today. It disapeared when I opened my door and there was no one there. The cat is back out. I guess he isn't scared anymore. I have a paranoid suspicion that there will be looters. Seems like the thing to do nowadays. I have a tv, a labtop, and a knife. The lights are off, facing the ineviatble fact, the power may go out. This storm doesn't compare to the symptoms buzzing like an annoying fly in my head. This illness makes things worse then they actually are. Thank God the storm wasn't so bad.
UPDATE: The power it still on listening to the black keys.

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